Thursday, November 10, 2005

First steps at Step by Step Orphanage

Last weekend Laura (my housemate), Marina (a Canadian lawyer we have befriended), and I went to visit an orphanage/community center/church on the edge of Kampala. The orphanage serves 175 children-all under the age 10-most who lack shoes, clothing and food. Most are suffering from malaria because they cannot afford mosquito nets and many were infected with the HIV that killed their parents. A nurse who had been working with them in her spare time gave us the contact before she the county. We are trying to help them to register as an NGO and teach them some basic organizational development and grant writing skills. What they really need are notebooks, pens, clothing, shoes, mosquito nets, health care, and school fees. We are trying to work on getting one of the goods donated and finding money to pay for the rest.  Above is a picture of of some of the children at Step by Step Orphanage.

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