Thursday, November 24, 2005


On to happier topics…my major project at work has been organizing the Uganda Social Forum, a spin off of the World Social Form. It's an "open meeting place for reflective thinking, democratic debate of ideas, formulation of proposals, free exchange of experiences and building linkages for effective action by civil society groups." Basically, all of the NGOs in Uganda have been invited and we are hosting the event at the national football (soccer) stadium. I'm really excited because both the Batwa and the Karamojo tribes will be their.

The Batwa (AKA pygmies) have traditionally dwelled in the Ugandan forest, making their living for sustainable forestry and hunting. During the recent establisher of the Uganda National Parks System, international donors demanded that all people inhabiting the forests had to move. Essentially, the have been marginalized almost to the point of extinction and the remaining 2500 live in camps, bordering the forest. They are a major tourist attraction so by showing up in their community you get a song and dance show, I'm told it's reminiscent of Sea World. So I'm very happy they are coming to this event on their own terms and I will be able to talk to them like human beings.

Also, I'm very excited to interact with the Karamoja, a tribe that believes all cattle (in the World) belongs to them, are stereotyped as blood drinking naked savages. They do drink blood, but its cow's blood, usually mixed with milk, what could be so bad? As nomads who depend on their cattle for sustenance, the Karamoja often steal cattle from their neighbors. They also don't believe in political borders and roam freely between Northern Uganda, Kenya, and Southern Sudan. During the recent drought/famine/war in southern Sudan, the Karamojo traded their cattle to starving soldiers for guns. They thus entered the lights arms trade by reselling these weapons to Kenya and Saudi Arabia. But they also have a rich history and culture and I can't wait to meet them.

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